Mono Xero Playing Cards
Mono - Xero Playing Cards add on to the already impressive decks in the Mono collection series by Luke Wadey primarily focused on the monochrome theme.
Mono - Xero picks up from distinctive theme set by Mono - X, using a bold 2-way back design combined with side details on the card faces to allow for cardists to flourish and magicians to excel in their routines.
Mono - Xero picks up from distinctive theme set by Mono - X, using a bold 2-way back design combined with side details on the card faces to allow for cardists to flourish and magicians to excel in their routines.
Be sure to grab both Mono - Xero and Mono - Xero R, their bold designs are a true show-stopper and be a part of design with community in mind. Together, we are Xero.
Perfect for any and all cardistry routines and if you cant fan yet these cards will motivate you to learn the art of fanning!
Other Technical details
Manufactured by Cartamundi
New slim-line stock with B9 finish
One time print run, only 2500 decks produced
Custom tuck, designed to partner with Mono - Xero
Fully custom 56 card deck, including a double backer card