Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards
Camera Playing Cards

Playing Cards

Camera Playing Cards


Numbered seals limited to 667 decks only!

If you are looking for playing cards based on vintage cameras and film accessories these Boskarta Playing Cards are the best decks you will find on sale today!

With a leather like feel on the tuck box these cards will surprise you and everyone who touches it. It actually feels like real leather. 

This edition features black embossed foil on the front, with silver foil making up all the other cool details like the screws and lever.

The middle of the tuck will have a die-cut hole with thin plastic to look like the lens. It will also have a silver seal that mimics the open mechanism on the actual Brownie model A camera. We want this to look and feel like the real thing.

Printed by Legends Playing Cards