Laura London NOC Playing Cards by The Blue Crown
Laura London NOC Playing Cards by The Blue Crown
Laura London NOC Playing Cards by The Blue Crown
Laura London NOC Playing Cards by The Blue Crown
Laura London NOC Playing Cards by The Blue Crown
Laura London NOC Playing Cards by The Blue Crown
Laura London NOC Playing Cards by The Blue Crown

The Blue Crown

Laura London NOC

"Over an old fashioned cocktail, Alex Pandrea asked if I could be the third host in his NOC Signature Series. I was truly honored and agreeing, I got straight to work redesigning and turning them into my perfect deck with the help of the talented designer Tomas Hlavaty.

"I instantly knew how I wanted the deck to turn out, and, of course, it HAD to be red.

"We added a nice thin black border to the blood-red back design - which is a darker shade than the previous red deck. The black line allows for the deck to be fully-marked and also adds a subtle reflection of my style and personality.

"The deck is a slightly thinner classic stock and has been traditionally cut to make for a smoother gambling experience. There is also a brand new Ace of Spades and every court card has been customized. I couldn't be more happy and proud to present, in the NOC signature series, a deck of cards fit for a Queen."
Laura London x